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Programming Language
Game Engine
Team Size


Development Period

Gameplay Programmer



November 2024 – December 2024

This is a spinoff of Minesweeper that takes place in a 3D world where you play as a sheep trying to eat grass without blowing up. It includes three difficulties and a tutorial.


This game served as my group final project submission for my university's Unity class.


It's currently the most popular game that I have ownership of, with the game having 100+ plays and 2000+ impressions on, and the trailer having 1000+ views on YouTube.

Programming Minesweeper

Programmed core Minesweeper components, including random level generation, adjacent mine detection, and edge case handling

Programming Minesweeper.gif
Minesheeper 3.gif

Camera and Player

Implemented a 3rd-person camera system that pans, rotates, and zooms with inertia, and a player controller that moves relative to the camera

Perlin Noise

Utilized Perlin noise to create wavy and natural-looking game boards

Easing Functions

Utilized easing functions to tween and animate spawning blocks

Perlin noise and easing functions.gif
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