Math Wizards

Programming Language
Game Engine
Team Size
Development Period
Solo Developer
Browser, Windows (slated)
January 2024 - March 2024
In this 2D turn-based RPG, build your team, plan your attacks, and solve math in order to wreak havoc on your enemies.
While this project is playable and published, I still plan to continue working on it in my free time.
Math wizards began as a middle school STEM assignment, where my friends and I were tasked to make an education game in Scratch. We imagined an epic story, memorable characters, and thrilling combat--it was going to be the best game ever. But the task was too hard, and we didn't get much done before it was due.
Years later, Math Wizards still lingered in my mind. I couldn't let it go, so I made a vow: I will finish this game, no matter what. It's going to be everything we dreamed of, and when I'm done, I'll find Ethan and Ryan and show them that after all these years, our game is finally complete.​
Ability and AI Systems
Developed highly modular ability and AI systems using scriptable objects, allowing for scalability and ease of use for designers (aka me)

Possible in the inspector:
Create abilities from base types (healing ability, physical damage ability, custom ability, etc.)
Modify an ability's attributes such as damage ratio, cooldown, and description
Drag and drop abilities onto wizards and enemies​
Drag and drop AI types (attack random, etc.) onto enemies

Turn-based Combat System
Created a state-driven, turn-based combat system that allows players to select characters, abilities, and targets with seamless transitions
The player has five actions per turn
Using a wizard's ability takes an action
When the player runs out of actions or decides to end their turn early, the enemies get to take their turn
The player can undo wizard or ability selection (visible in the Ability & AI Systems gif)
Camera System
Implemented a camera system that pans and zooms in response to moving the mouse and hovering/selecting characters

Zooms in on wizards and enemies when they're hovered; zooms out on unhover
Focuses in on wizards when they're selected; unfocuses when they're unselected or an ability is chosen
When the player is choosing the target of an ability, the camera only zooms in on wizards or enemies that the ability can target
Slightly follows the mouse at all times